(760) 692-5700

This is for all of us moms out there.  Some of us are working moms, some moms decide to leave their jobs for an extended period of time to go on maternity leave. While other moms decide to stay home to be with their kids. And years later, many women often re-enter the workplace.

Some women leave careers behind and work part-time or find a job whose hours match closely with their kid’s school schedules and activities.

As a result, women’s retirement and social security benefits are often lower than those of their male counterparts.

So, it is extremely important for us women to pay attention if you have access to any employer retirement plan, if there is a matched contribution that the company might have and for those of you at home with your little ones, see if you are eligible to contribute to a spousal IRA.

If you would like to learn more about retirement plans for Moms please contact me so we can talk about what might be appropriate for you. You can reach me at 760-692-5700.

Thank you,

