(760) 692-5700
Word of the Year

Word of the Year

In this episode of SavvyUp!, Catherine and Rachel explore the power of choosing a Word of the Year to set the tone for your goals, mindset, and financial future. They discuss how journaling, reflecting on past experiences, and defining aspirations can help you align...

Planning into 2025

Planning into 2025

Join Catherine and Rachel in this insightful episode as they dive into how to take control of your finances in 2025! Whether you're looking to build a strong financial foundation or refine your money management strategies, they've got you covered. They discuss...

Common Mistakes Women Make With 401(k)’s

Common Mistakes Women Make With 401(k)’s

  In this video, Catherine and Rachel highlight the most common mistakes women make when managing their 401(k)s. From overlooking the tax impact of withdrawals to missing out on Roth conversion opportunities, they share insights on how to optimize your retirement...