Do you want to travel when you retire? Well, you are not alone. I have met with many women over the years and the most popular response from them is wanting to travel in retirement. So, my advice to those of you that want to travel in retirement, is to start planning now. Those of you with a savings plan with a specific goal are more likely to reach that goal.
Here are just a few tips to get you started. I would calculate the cost and do some research. Perhaps, look at traveling during off-peak times. A few things to consider when traveling, how long do you plan on traveling. Do you want to travel for one week, two weeks or a month or even longer? Or, will you be missing you warm and comfortable bed and want to come home early? Do you have any elderly parents, kids or grandkids or animals to consider too? What is your health condition going to be? What will your financial situation look like? Will you have enough saved for your life style? Take an honest look at your financial situation, your travel goals and start planning now. I always love hearing about all the fabulous trips from around the world from our clients and that can be you too one day.
Join us each week for the Savvy Minute. You can find our YouTube channel at Or give us a call at 760-692-5700, that’s 760-692-5700 and set up a free 30-minute financial assessment today. And remember ladies to Savvy Up!!
Catherine Magaña is a Certified Financial Planner in Carlsbad California.