(760) 692-5700
After the Proposal

After the Proposal

After the Proposal “To Do” List: 5 Wedding Day Tasks for the Newly Engaged (click here to download in pdf format) Want to review your financial situation with a pro? Fill out the form below for a free consultation. After The Proposal Consultation Form Name...
Open House

Open House

We recently moved to a new location.  Please join us for an open house on Thursday, October 22nd from 5:30 -8:30 p.m.  Drinks, food and music will be provided.
Child Rearing Costs Staggering

Child Rearing Costs Staggering

Start 529 Plan Early Ok, this is probably not news to anyone who has children, but it is darn expensive to rear them. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently released the actual facts and figures in its “Expenditures on Children by Families, 2013” report. How does...
Man vs. Woman – Who Is The Better Investor?

Man vs. Woman – Who Is The Better Investor?

Who is the better investor, a man or a woman? If you have been in the financial advisory business long enough, you begin to discern certain patterns when it comes to gender differences when it comes to investing. First of all, in the vast majority of cases (and it...
Check Your Asset Allocation

Check Your Asset Allocation

The markets have returned to volatility lately. Every time the market looks like it’s headed down, we see people on TV start predicting that this is the start of a down market. So here is how we see things right now. First, the stock market has not had a big...