(760) 692-5700

Many women fear their knowledge of investing might be inadequate or they feel they don’t know enough to make smart financial decisions.

They assume they must understand every aspect of their investments and financial plan in order to make a decision.
Nothing could be further from the truth. We ALL delegate to professionals. They have an expertise for which you might not have the time nor the inclination to perfect.
The same holds true with your financial life.
Now we do not suggest you simply BLINDLY trust any professional with whom you work.

Make sure you have done your homework so at least you have a comfort level that the advice you are given is reasonable.
But the reality is you do NOT have to know HOW to build the clock, you just need to know how the clock works and how it can impact your life.

Join me each week for the Savvy Minute. You can find our channel at Savvyup.tv. Please subscribe to our channel.

And always remember.

Knowledge is Power…
For Successful Investing…
Never Stop Learning and Savvy Up.

To learn more about Savvy Women Wealth Management visit www.SavvyUp.com

To see more financial education videos for women visit www.SavvyUp.tv

Feel free to reach out directly at 760.692.5700.
